CCIH's Health and Wellness Coach, Hannah Kahn, Interviewed by Baltimore Magazine: Everything You Need to Know About the Adaptogen Trend

We are super proud of Hannah Kahn (aka Hank) for bringing light to this timely and important subject - Adaptogens. At CCIH, we are always striving to maintain being "calm, cool and collected.” Way to go, Hank.

ARTICLE: “We talked to Charm City Integrative Health wellness coach Hannah Kahn about how taking adaptogenic supplements can apparently help keep us calm, cool, and collected.

After this whirlwind of a year, we’re all about creating an anti-stress wellness routine. But where to start? Wellness experts suggest a healthy diet, but even that sounds stressful. We prefer baby steps, which is where something called adaptogens come in. We talked to Charm City Integrative Health wellness coach Hannah Kahn all about this trend and how taking adaptogenic supplements can apparently help keep us calm, cool, and collected.

What are adaptogens?
Adaptogens are [largely] herbs that support the body’s natural ability to deal with stress. These stressors can include anxiety, inflammation, and fatigue, among other things.

What are the benefits of incorporating adaptogens into your daily wellness routine?
The benefits we get from this group of herbs are really special. Research has found that they contain anti-fatigue properties, anti-depressive effects, and increase mental work capacity and attention. These are things that everybody can benefit from, and it’s not difficult to begin incorporating adaptogens into your routine.

In your opinion, how effective are they?
Generally, adaptogens are incredibly effective. They’ve been [in use] for thousands of years, rooting back to Chinese Functional Medicine and Indian Ayurvedic Medicine. These herbs work at a molecular level, helping our bodies to fight stressors. I believe every individual is different, we are not one-size-fits-all, so it’s best to try one out and listen to your body to see how it’s responding.”

To read the rest of the article, please visit (SOURCE)

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