Ask Dr. Tom: Want to Just Talk?

Hi, Everyone,
Currently, only Virtual Consultation Appointments are available at Charm City Integrative Health until COVID-19 is under control, but we do have some Telehealth options to help support you during this challenging time.

Online Health Consultation with Dr. Tom - Initial session
We can do a deep dive into your health. This is the perfect time to discuss all of your health concerns and goals. We can put together a customized supplement, herbal, mediation, and exercise program
30 minutes @ $50.00

Online Cannabis Consultation with Dr. Tom
This is NOT an MMCC certification or recertification. This is to discuss dosages, strains, delivery methods, and health issues for cannabis use. Clients must be already MMCC certified. We can help you figure out what strains are best for your needs and will help you find nearby dispensaries. A detailed report will be furnished for you within 24 hrs of the appointment.
30 minutes @ $50.00

Home Health Equipment Setup with Dr. Tom
Are you looking to add some health-improving equipment to your home? We can discuss adding these services. Dr. Tom will help you put together a selection of services based on your space, budget, and individual needs. Dr. Tom will work with his brokers with various supply companies to help you get the best services at the best prices. This price is for the initial consult, and an estimate based on the time needed will be furnished in 24 hours if you wish to proceed.
1 hour @ $100.00

Setup your own Clinic-Consultation with Dr. Tom
Are you an entrepreneur, health care practitioner or biohacker looking to open up a center like ours? Are you interested in franchising a CCIH in your area? Choose this option and we will discuss your vision and see if we can be of service. This is for an initial consultation. If we proceed we can discuss a contract to help you fulfill your dreams.
1 hour @ $250.00

1 on 1 virtual Meditation Session with Dr. Tom
Tom has been meditating and helping teach others since 1994. We can discuss meditation and how to incorporate it into your life. Tom will guide you through each session and then set up a realistic schedule to help you with your training. Follow-ups can be scheduled as needed.
30 minutes @ $40.00

Follow-Up Health Consultations
This is to check in with Dr. Tom about your previous appointments.
15 minutes @ $25.00

Ask Dr. Tom: Just Talk (20 minutes)
We are in uncharted territory. All of us are anxious, myself included. I'm offering these appointments for FREE, just to listen. If I can help, I will, but sometimes, just having someone's ear can help you work through things. This appointment is free and open to anyone, so long as I have time. We can get through this together.