Meditation and Tai Chi For Sleep: Your Guide to Relaxation | Sleepopolis

What Is Tai Chi?

Tom Ingegno, DACM, a licensed Baltimore acupuncturist, expert in Chinese Medicine and founder of Charm City Integrative Health, tells Sleepopolis, “Tai chi (also known as tai chi chuan, which loosely translates to supreme ultimate boxing) is a traditional Chinese martial art that combines slow, graceful movements with breath control and meditation.”

Noting that tai chi is often (and beautifully, we might add) described as “meditation in motion.” Ingegno explains, “Tai chi is based on the principles of yin and yang and the flow of qi (life energy) through the body.”

If you’re curious how something like “supreme ultimate boxing” can be associated with sleep, Ingegno says, “It originated as a martial art outside of China, but today tai chi is primarily practiced for its health benefits, which include improved balance, flexibility, strength, and relaxation.”

How Tai Chi Improves Sleep

According to Ingegno, “Tai chi has been shown to help improve sleep quality. The slow, gentle movements and deep breathing practiced in tai chi can help calm the mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote relaxation, ultimately making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep throughout the night.”