The Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas, Explained | SHAPE Magazine

Recently, Dr. Tom was interviewed about the health benefits of infrared saunas. Find out how infrared sauna benefits compare to those of regular saunas.

A key distinction is that the infrared version is heated differently than traditional saunas and at a lower temperature. "Infrared saunas use panels that emit infrared light and heat when powered up," explains Tom Ingegno, D.A.C.M., M.S.O.M., L.Ac., a licensed acupuncturist and owner of Charm City Integrative Health. "Infrared [light] is outside the visible spectrum, further than red, and these waves penetrate the body to add heat." Traditional saunas, meanwhile, warm the air rather than directly heating the body.

As for what the difference between the two saunas looks like in practice, "since regular (Finnish) saunas operate at a higher temperature, they feel hotter when you first step in," says Ingegno. "This heat hits the superficial levels (skin) of the body, and much like being out on a hot day, you feel it on the skin and sweat quickly."

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